With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the application of traditional sandblasting oxidation process in some fields is limited. This paper introduces a new type of environmentally friendly, efficient polishing method – magnetic polishing, which can effectively replace the sandblasting oxidation process to provide high-quality surface treatment for all kinds of metal products.Sandblast Oxidation.

Magnetic Polishing: An Environmentally Friendly, Efficient Alternative to Sandblast Oxidation-Guangu Magnetic deburring machine

I. Introduction

Sandblasting oxidation is a common metal surface treatment method, which is mainly used to improve the adhesion and corrosion resistance of metal surfaces. However, the dust and noise generated during the sandblasting process have serious impacts on the environment and operators, and at the same time, the disposal of waste materials after sandblasting also brings certain pressure on environmental protection. Therefore, it is imperative to find an environmentally friendly and efficient alternative process. Magnetic polishing as a new surface treatment technology, with significant environmental advantages and high efficiency performance, gradually by the industry’s attention.

Second, the principle of magnetic polishing process

Magnetic polishing is mainly the use of magnetic steel needle under the action of magnetic field on the surface of the workpiece grinding, polishing a method. Magnetic polishing device consists of polishing head, magnetic generator, control system and other components. Magnetic polishing head consists of magnetic abrasive grains and polishing pads, magnetic abrasive grains under the action of magnetic field close to the polishing pads, forming abrasive grains group on the surface of the workpiece for polishing. By adjusting the current of the magnetic generator, the magnetism of the magnetic abrasive grains and the grinding strength can be controlled to realize the precise polishing of the workpiece.

Third, the advantages of magnetic polishing

  1. Environmental advantages

(1) No dust pollution: during the polishing process, the magnetic abrasive grains are always close to the polishing pad, which will not produce dust in the sand blasting process, effectively reducing the hazards to the environment and operators.

(2) Simple waste disposal: the waste after polishing is mainly magnetic abrasive grains and polishing pads, which can be directly recycled to reduce the pressure on environmental protection.

  1. Efficient performance

(1) Fast polishing speed: polishing utilizes the clustering effect of magnetic abrasive grains, which greatly improves the polishing speed and productivity.

(2) Good surface quality: magnetic polishing can realize precise polishing, and the surface quality of the workpiece is better than sand blasting process.

(3) Wide adaptability: polishing is suitable for a variety of metal materials, size, shape of the workpiece, has a wide range of application prospects.

Fourth, magnetic polishing in the actual application of application cases

An auto parts manufacturer, the original sand blasting oxidation production line was forced to stop production due to environmental issues, the magnetic polishing process for surface treatment. After technological transformation, the new production line not only solved the environmental problems, and production efficiency increased by 30%, the surface quality has been praised by customers.

V. Conclusion-Sandblast Oxidation

Magnetic polishing as a new type of environmental protection, high efficiency surface treatment process, has significant environmental advantages and production advantages, can effectively replace the sand blasting oxidation process. With the continuous development and improvement of polishing technology, it is believed that it will play a greater role in the field of metal surface treatment in the future.